About Us  >  June N. Oh, Esq.

June N. Oh, ESQ

Attorney June N. Oh graduated from Pacific Union College located in beautiful Napa Valley, CA with a B.S. in History and Government and graduated from New England Law | Boston. June was accepted to a Master's program in History at Arizona State University, but decided that law was her calling and moved across the country to attend law school in Boston, MA. While in law school, June interned at the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and with boutique residential real estate firms in the Boston area. June specializes in residential and commercial real estate, small business formation, and estate planning.

June currently resides in Billerica, MA with her husband, two young children, and four Japanese Chin dogs. In her limited free time, June enjoys trying new recipes and learning how to forage in the wild. She also likes to pretend she has time to read.

Languages: English, Korean